Reading Room
This reading room contains links to articles and commentary which I feel is in some way worthy of attention. In some cases, this may include views which I may not personally agree with expressed by people or sources who I may not be overly fond of. In general, it is good habit to take in a diverse range of views, including those different from our own.
Date Added
14/06/2019Poynter takes down database meant to spotlight fake news and biased sources 6/14/2019
14/06/2019A boy heard a buzz and felt something strange. The cause caught his doctors by surprise
CNN 6/14/2019
06/06/2019As He Blocks Election Security Bills, McConnell Takes Checks from Voting Machine Lobbyists 6/6/2019
16/05/2019JPMorgan in FX Fraud Banking ‘Cartel’ Choked by EU with Staggering €1 Billion Fine 5/16/2019
07/03/2019Martin Shkreli Steers His Old Company From Prison—With Contraband Cellphone 3/7/2019
12/01/2019After $1 Trillion In Stock Buyback Spending, Companies Keep Their Wallets Open 1/12/2019
09/01/2019Some of the weirdest new products with Amazon Alexa built in — from pet feeders to toilets 1/9/2019
04/01/2019The stock market is so volatile that even big shot hedge-fund managers are struggling
Marketwatch 1/4/2019
02/01/2019After insider trading charges against a congressman, House set to ban members from serving on corporate boards
Marketwatch 1/2/2019
26/12/2018Donors Who Raised Over $400,000 for Homeless Veteran in GoFundMe Scam Are Refunded
insideedition 12/26/2018
23/12/2018Opinion: Why people who earn a lot of money still can’t pay the bills
Marketwatch 12/23/2018
18/12/2018The perennial debate about whether your phone is secretly listening to you, explained
Vox 12/18/2018