Smear sheets and the Ricardo campaign

September 30, 2020 | RP
screenshot from

Below I include just a handful of the smear sheets which keep circulating around my name. As you can see, the people who post these things strongly encourage others to pile on as well, and then they include my website and twitter handle to make it easy.  As a result, there are now thousands of these smear sheets circulating online and I find more every week.  The statements they make are totally false —  even absurdly so.  But smears don’t require any merit to be intensely effective.   By simply flooding social media with incendiary statements and by associating my name with certain individuals, certain tickers or certain trading activity, it creates confusion and suspicion toward me and my brand.  When it comes to Richard Pearson and Moxreports, all they know is that they just don’t know.  And that is the very point of these campaigns.

I have nothing to do with Buyers Strike and I have asked this author to keep my name out of his work. I have never traded CYDY or done any research on it and my name is Richard J Pearson, and is not any of the ever longer list of pseudonyms they continue to heap on.


smear buyersstrike cydy



smear buyersstrike cydy


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smear fritz






smear buyersstrike