Welcome to my new site.
I had originally hoped to launch this new site in early 2018, but some distractions got in the way for a bit. Thank you for your patience.
The reason for this re-design was as follows:
Sine 2012, many reports on this site have contained topical research and information which should be broadly useful beyond just a single report. But such information was not always easy to find because it was contained in reports which were often centered around individual tickers or trade ideas. The structure of this new site should help to make such information easier to find. Over the next few months I will continue to upload or re-upload much of this topical research into individual free standing posts which will make them easy to find.
I am also working on several interesting long and short trade ideas which I will end up publishing when (or if) they seem sensible. These trade ideas are largely focused on companies with a market cap of $1 billion or more and which are not being focused on elsewhere. I hope to publish a timely long idea next week.
I am still tinkering with this site. So if you happen to have any comments or suggestions on anything big or small, please feel free to send to [email protected].
Thank you.