Reports about: DDS

Long DDS. Watch for the (as usual) violent rebound. Here’s the catalyst.
August 28, 2019
As a result of Dillard's hyper-aggressive share buyback, short interest now amounts to 88.5% of the remaining float

Dillard’s (DDS) could quickly double on “upside perfect storm” (LONG DDS)
June 24, 2019
Dillard's short interest just jumped to 77% even as the ongoing buyback continues to shrink the float. Despite lackluster earnings, Dillard's has very strong cash flow to continue the aggressive...
LONG DDS. Long Dillard’s on potential “infinity squeeze”
July 25, 2017
Summary Dillard’s appears set up for “infinity squeeze” like VW in 2008, which sent stock up 5x. Einhorn was short VW in 2008, but is now largest outside holder of...