ProActive Responds To ‘Behind The Scenes’

March 31, 2014 | RP


  • ProActive Capital seeks to provide clarification.
  • The firm says it was unaware of the Dream Team website.
  • ProActive has now severed ties with Tech Guru, and says the contract in the article was not the actual contract with Tech Guru.

Prior to my article last week discussing ProActive Capital, I approached that firm for comment. However, by the time of my article I had not received a detailed response. Following my article, ProActive did request the chance to provide comment and clarification, and I am more than happy to provide them with that opportunity.

A representative from ProActive contacted me and wished to clarify two points. The first point was regarding the Dream Team Group. The second point was regarding ProActive’s contract with Tech Guru.

Dream Team Group

In my article, I had stated that “As shown on the website for the Dream Team Group (a.k.a. Mission IR), Proactive is listed as a partner of Dream Team in the IR business.”

ProActive wished to clarify that the firm denies any relationship with Dream Team, that they were unaware that their logo appeared on that site and that they have made efforts to have their insignia removed from that site.

Contract with Tech Guru

In my article, I had stated that “For those who are curious about the mechanics of the relationship, Tech Guru also provided me a copy of his contract (with the name of the IR firm removed).”

ProActive wished to clarify that the contract shown in my article is not the actual contract that ProActive has with Tech Guru. ProActive denies that they have paid anyone to write articles. ProActive has also informed me that they have now severed their ties with Tech Guru.

Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.