Past Reports
Update from Moxreports
August 21, 2020
Dear all, I am still “stuck” in Bali due to travel difficulties around COVID, but I expect to be back to LA in the next few weeks, travel permitting. Either...

Long PLCE and SCVL. Watch for more bounces on oversold “BaMRs”
October 16, 2019
This report is the opinion of the author. The author is long PLCE and SCVL. See disclosures and disclaimers. Summary. Throughout 2017, 2018 and 2019, my best performing strategy has...

Long DDS. Watch for the (as usual) violent rebound. Here’s the catalyst.
August 28, 2019
As a result of Dillard's hyper-aggressive share buyback, short interest now amounts to 88.5% of the remaining float

Long PLCE. Children’s Place could quickly spike back to $160
August 1, 2019
Short interest recently hit 44%, even as the company continues to buy back shares. Children's Place has been buying up the assets of bankrupt competitors and is the sole provider...

Dillard’s (DDS) could quickly double on “upside perfect storm” (LONG DDS)
June 24, 2019
Dillard's short interest just jumped to 77% even as the ongoing buyback continues to shrink the float. Despite lackluster earnings, Dillard's has very strong cash flow to continue the aggressive...

Moxreports 2.0
June 16, 2019
Welcome to the new Moxreports. Please have a look around. Comments are welcome.

Behind the scenes with Vuzix, Sichenzia and IRTH
April 22, 2019
By necessity, the material in this report revolves around me. You will also see significant detail about heavily promoted public companies and their law firms, stock market “financiers” and “investor...

Long REV. Revlon’s short vs. float setup just became tighter than Tilray(TLRY)
September 19, 2018
Shares of Tilray (TLRY) have now spiked up by more than 10x from its recent IPO price. The reason is simply that the short interest became too high relative to...

Long BITA. Here’s how Bitauto (BITA) rises to $240
July 10, 2018
Bitauto (BITA) is a heavily shorted, low float stock but there is far more to the bull case than a simple short squeeze. As with my long report on RH...
Long REV. Missed disclosure changes point to Revlon buyout
June 7, 2018
Much of the information in this report appears to have been entirely missed by the market. Only 5-10% of Revlon’s shares are in the public float. Only a single analyst...
Long PLSE. Here’s why Pulse is headed sharply higher
May 8, 2018
Pulse is scheduled to discuss “Operational Highlights” on a conference call at 4:30 pm today (Tuesday May 8th). In the past I have highlighted such calls which companies used to...
Short VUZI. Fraud.
March 16, 2018
This report is the opinion of the author. The author is short VUZI. Vuzix recently used an undisclosed stock promotion involving dozens of mainstream media outlets to artificially inflate the...

Short ABEO. Short Abeona on Manipulated Trial Data
February 15, 2018
Summary In Oct 2017, shares of ABEO hit a new high of $19.55 following the release of seemingly positive data in its clinical trial for MPS-III. ABEO quickly used that...

Short EEFT. Euronet To Drop 50-60% On Latest DCC Developments
February 1, 2018
Summary As much as 30-40% of Euronet’s profits and EBITDA are generated solely by DCC revenues with ultra high margins. The sell side has largely missed this entirely. During 2017,...

Long OSTK. Overstock headed sharply higher (despite obvious problems)
January 24, 2018
As of December, short interest in OSTK hit 42%. Latest data will be released after market close today. Given recent activity, I expect short interest to hit 50-60%. The key...

Long GCAP. Why Gain Capital could see a “super spike” today
December 29, 2017
“Dinner Table Effect”. Crypto assets spiked sharply after both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Traders expecting crypto assets to again spike very sharply on Jan 2. In anticipation, traders, funds and algos...

Long GCAP. Bitcoin rollout could send Gain Capital sharply higher
December 28, 2017
Traders from places like China and Korea are being forced off of their own domestic crypto exchanges but still want to pour money into crypto. GCAP now provides an easy...

Short SSTI. ShotSpotter is worse than you thought
November 21, 2017
Summary: In over 20 years SSTI has never generated profits or meaningful cash. Recent IPO simply allows VCs to finally exit positions. Dec 4th lockup expiration on 8 million shares...
Long RH. RH Will Spike Much, Much Higher Very, Very Soon
November 3, 2017
Summary In May, RH quietly awarded its CEO a massive nine figure incentive package to achieve a $150 share price by any means. Two days later RH announced a $700m...
Short HIIQ. Fraud penalties to exceed $100 million and undisclosed “domino effect”
September 11, 2017
Summary New data points: Fraud penalties expected to reach $100 million or more. Other insurers required to cease doing business with HIIQ as part of their fraud settlements. June 2017:...